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davy jones 〔海俚〕海魔(go [be sent] to Davy ...

davy lamp

These will play out on stunning , ultra - realistic seascapes , as cannons and muskets blaze away , cutting through the smoke and fog to splinter , pierce and shatter hulls , sails and masts , laying waste to crew members and sending them to davy jones ' locker 極真實的海景、當大炮和步槍射出的火花慢慢消失時,炮彈劃過煙銷和濃霧直達敵船,劈開、貫穿和擊碎船殼、船帆和主桿,將打倒那些沒用的敵人送他們去海底見海龍王。

These will play out on stunning , ultra - realistic seascapes , as cannons and muskets blaze away , cutting through the smoke and fog to splinter , pierce and shatter hulls , sails and masts , laying waste to crew members and sending them to davy jones ' locker 這些將放出足以令人暈倒的,極端現實的海景,加農炮和步槍的怒吼,穿過煙霧擊穿、破裂并粉碎船體、帆棚以及桅桿,蹂躪著船員并把他們拋向海神(魔)的鎖鏈。

Mr bloom could easily picture his advent on this scene - the homecoming to the mariner s roadside shieling after having diddled davy jones - a rainy night with a blind moon 布盧姆先生能夠毫不費力地設想他出現的場面:逃出海妖55的掌心之后,回到路邊的水手家園-座窩棚里。

And you re the last above board of that same meddling crew ; and you have the davy jones s insolence to up and stand for cap n over me - you , that sank the lot of us 在這幫惹是生非的家伙中間,你是最后一個喂魚的。你這個壞事的家伙居然還不要臉想謀權篡位當船長。

Will the friends defeat sao feng and davy jones ? will they be able to navigate their way to a happy ending ? just join them to find out 朋友們能打敗邵峰和邪惡的瓊斯嗎?他們能有一個很好的結局嗎?加入他們尋找答案吧。

If you won t my name is alexander smollett , i ve flown my sovereign s colours , and i ll see you all to davy jones 要是你們不,我的名字是亞歷山大斯莫列特。我已經升起了我英王陛下的旗幟,我要讓你們統統去見王。

Then you have a beautiful calm without a cloud , smooth sea , placid , crew and cargo in smithereens , davy jones locker 接著就是美麗的平靜,海面光滑明凈,萬里無云。船員和貨物,一片殘骸碎片。水手的墳墓。

Sail into the sky to discover new ports and engage in aerial combat with other magical sky ships 4 .你需要在海上同海盜們戰斗,獲勝后可以將他們遣送到davy jones的監獄中!

The last we saw of ol ' bill turner , he was sinking to the crushing black oblivion of davy jones ' locker 我們看到老比爾.特納的最后一眼,是他正淹沒在海中,慢慢沉入龍宮

On my word do as i say or i ' ll pull this trigger and be lost to davy jones ' locker 快照我說的去做!否則我就扣下扳機,讓你們的夢想徹底破滅

Why , in the name of davy jones , said he , is dr livesey mad “哦,我的王爺, ”他說, “利弗西瘋了不成? ”

And be lost to davy jones ' locker 然后就消失在這茫茫大海里